Seasonal Tips

Sunday, October 1, 2023

Seasonal Tips on navigating the dementia landscape and how to create joy through being a good neighbor, partner and friend.

As our population ages, we know that more and more of our seniors may be struggling with memory loss and confusion. For example if you live in a senior living community you may be more likely to encounter someone living with memory challenges. Or if you are involved with senior clubs or societies or even at religious meetings, you are going to be more likely to encounter someone living with cognitive decline.

As we enter the season of fall, and getting ready for seasonal celebrations it is a good time to ponder what our relationships look like with our neighbors and friends and loved ones living with dementia related conditions.

 Let’s consider how we can support each other as neighbors and friends as we celebrate fall together.

This can be a great time to rekindle memories of seasons long ago and help us built stronger relationships.

  • A fun idea to get someone interested in the changing seasons is the use of strategic decor on doors/hallways/tables to help orientate the person to the season or to special occasions.
  • Getting your neighbor or friend or loved one to help with decorations may help them feel connected and build your relationship.
  • Involving your neighbor or friend in favorite seasonal activities such as special meals, or crafts, or special outings, or musical encounters, will also help them reminisce and remember past experiences which can strengthen your friendship and allow for wonderful conversations.

Consider the following when you engage with your person living with dementia:

  • Consider past interests and hobbies when attempting to include them in activities.
  • Simplify expectations if the person seems overwhelmed – sometimes it is okay for them to just watch and allow participation as they feel comfortable.
  • Extend the invitation for participation and allow person to choose which pieces of the event or activity they would like to be part of.
  • Be flexible during the event or activity so that you can meet the needs of the person as it may change. (they may get tired faster than you expected, or may lose interest even if they agreed to take part)
  • Have a backup plan (especially if you are taken the person on a trip away from their normal environment)

Always keep in mind:

Our person has an internal drive:

  • Even if they cannot verbalize it.

Our persons need to feel connected to the “here and know”, a sense of belonging:

  • Even when they are confused.

Our persons need to have valuable personal interactions:

  • Even if they don’t remember who you are!

Our persons need to feel valuable in their environment, because they still identify with historical roles and abilities:

  • Even if we do not understand what that is.

It is our job as a friend our neighbor to create a safe space for our person to participate and feel valued. Together we can create many joyful moments.

Happy Fall Y’all!