Botes Memory Method Spring Blog

Monday, March 18, 2024

Spring 2024: 

The impact of underlying disease processes on Brain Health:

Botes Memory Method is an active participant in supporting our community’s brain health through the management of their underlying illnesses.

Did you know that multiple disease processes, if untreated or mis-managed, can lead to cognitive changes and ultimately to cognitive decline and dementia?

The following disease processes may impact your brain health if untreated:

  • COPD/CHF may limit blood flow and oxygen to the brain
  • Diabetes limits the availability of sugar to cells in order to function
  • Chronic inflammatory diseases may cause brain cell death
  • Chronic stress and the built-up of cortisol are detrimental to your cell health

It is so important that you seek a healthcare partner that will support the wellness of your person living with neuro-cognitive decline on all levels.

This includes management of medication interactions, and teaching correct medication usage.

It also encompasses disease management such as but not limited to: management of heart failure and heart disease, respiratory illnesses and use of oxygen, Diabetes and dietary concerns, Parkinson’s and movement therapy, Stroke/TIA interventions, High Blood pressure management to name a few.

We know that managing different disease processes may be overwhelming especially if you have received a new diagnosis or if you have had an exacerbation of an existing condition.

Here at Botes Memory Method our specialized staff are trained and ready to support you and your loved one on this brain health journey.

We hope that new beginnings of Spring-time will inspire you to pursuit solutions for you and your loved ones chronic health conditions.